I can sympathize, 'cause I have to keep on top of nose hair (and long eyebrow hair) myself, and there's nothing worse than talkin' to some dude, fixated on his obliviousness to his own grooming deficiencies more so than what he's actually saying. --Hey, the temptation to do the "Tarzan Yell", and swing from the offending nasal vines is huge! Admit it.
Anyhow... I suppose it could have been a million times worse considering it's downtown Toronto. Where half-naked men in Santa hats do push-ups on the sidewalk at minus 15 degrees. Think I'm making that up?? "Zanta" is his name. I've ridden the subway with him doing push-ups not 3 feet away. hee So a little nose hair trimming is considerably more tame by comparison I guess.
Changing the subject.... I took some time to clean out our camera's memory card last night and boy oh boy... doggie pictures galore. I promise I'm only posting 3 for now, 'cause they're so damned cute. The first one features me with a bad case of bed head.

The second picture is of Cole exerting his rights as top dog to commandeer the rawhide whenever he sees fit (even though he never chews it and this particular morsel is as big as my forearm). It looks like the biggest "dube" known to man and that must be why he looks so pleased with himself to have it. Porthos goes through a rawhide exactly like that, at a rate of about one
per week. (When he's not losing them under the bed, under the couch, or under any other piece of furniture and whining for either one of his dad's to retrieve it for him post-haste. He has us trained well.) Those rawhide bones come in a pack of 30 if I recall correctly. $18 at Costco and worth every penny to insure your shoes and anything else a chewing puppy might find interesting, survives. He has yet to chew a shoe incidentally. (knock on wood)

The third photo is just a shining example of Basset Hound determination and a small taste of Porthos' personality/antics.

In this photo... baby dog is stuck. He's trying to get to Cole's little hideaway on the other side of the spare bed (where Cole likes to go to escape Porthos, and sulk, and take his giant dubes... hee) but since he's fast-approaching 70lbs, Porthos quite-simply does not fit. That little space-heater box was placed at the foot of the bed to deter both of them from going in there. a) because Porthos needs to be air-lifted by crane once he's wedged himself in the corner and b) because to keep Cole out of there, removes much of Porthos' desire to journey to the other side of the bed. But on this occasion... Porthos decided to climb the box to get to his destination. Not only was he wedged, but his hind feet were also sufficiently suspended above the floor with no hope of regaining traction. Silly pooch. So like the good father I am... I grabbed the camera rather than help him. ha (a photo op is a photo op) Note the beautiful swirl of butt-hair. He has a matching swirl mirrored on the other side of his tail. Gorgeous from all angles I tells ya! How I love those dogs.
Song of the day... is a bass-heavy soul track by Toni Braxton who's free of a nasty legal battle today. Toni is by Ted's approximation the most incoherent singer on the planet second only to Bob Dylan I suppose. Yeah, she mumbles... but it's supposed to be sultry. Sultry people. Her albums get progressively better with each release. This song is from her most recent CD: "Libra". Love it.
"Sposed to Be" Toni Braxton
I never hafta check his story
Or worry bout him when he's gone
'Cause even when he's not at home
He's right where he said he'd be
Never go to be frustrated
And I never ever ever hafta fake it
'Cause when it comes to our love-makin'
He always seems to please
Say mmm mmm mmm
What he's serving tastes so good to me
Say mmm mmm mmm
He ain't perfect but he does it for me
My man is tailor-made for me
He comes in just my size
And every time I put him on,
I swear he fits just right
Ooooh yeah
Baby, that's how it's s'posed to be
I ride for him and he's down for me
There ain't no other lady gon' be sexin' my baby but me
And, baby, that's how it's s'posed to be
Knows where every single spot is
Every one he hears that drop
When he wanna get it off
No problem, he knows it's all of me
He ain't up with the games and front, no
The staking on his name means somethin'
We ain't lettin' go for nothin
'We gon' make history
Say mmm mmm mmm
What he's serving tastes so good to me
Say mmm mmm mmm
He ain't perfect but he does it for me
My man is tailor-made for me
He comes in just my size
And every time I put him on,
I swear he fits just right
Ooooh yeah
Baby, that's how it's s'posed to be
I ride for him and he's down for me
There ain't no other lady gon' be sexin' my baby but me
And, baby, that's how it's s'posed to be
And I know sometimes we fight
You go your way, I go mine
Still it's you I adore (I adore)
And I put this on my life
As long as I'm alive
Boy, it's you I live for
Oh, baby
That's how it's s'posed to be
He's my baby
Can't nobody take my man from me
We can "Oh no forget it"
I'm his, that's automatic
His love, I gotta have it
And that's how its s'posed to be
1 comment:
wow, Porthos is huge compared to when I saw him in June. I didn't realize Bassets get that big. Very cute pics (you included).
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