Last post made on November 6th.... yikes... good thing I didn't sign up for NoBloHosNoMo, that daily blogging contest that my friend Keltie is doing.
I think it's sponsored by the new Snoop Dog album. I'd quite obviously fail miserably at blogging every day, but I am enjoying the fact that every day I visit her blog, there's something new to read. She hasn't missed a day yet.
Phew - I dunno what kind of prizes one could win, but it certainly seems like a big commitment to me. And as a sidebar, it's actually called the NaBloPoMo - I think... assuming that's short for National Blog Posting Month or something of the like.
So what's goin' on in my life? Well, I'm 3 weeks away from finishing my #$%!ing course and can't wait to be rid of it. Ted is in the midst of work and waiting to find out when his full-blown training begins for his Brand Trainer course. He's got a binder as thick as my neck full of curriculum to go through, so I'm starting to think I've had it easy. Perhaps it's easy for me to say that in hindsight now that I can see the top of the mountain.
Porthos is doing much better in the house-training department. We've just come to the realization he stopped trying to make it outside because there was no incentive. Now that he's being coerced with Milk bones (or "bickies" as we refer to them) he's much more inclined to try to please us. Every dog has his currency, that's for sure.
It's heart-warming to see the relationship that's forming between both of our dogs, since Cole has never really had a buddy in his life. Bailey ("RatDog", our now deceased LlasaPoo) was at best a mother-figure, and at worst a crusty bitch who didn't particularly enjoy his company or affection, and had no tolerance whatsoever for any form of tom-foolery that ordinary dogs engage in to burn off playful puppy energy. So it's nice to see Cole enjoying all the play that Porthos can dish out. Well, almost all of it. Their love for one another just seems to grow deeper every day though, and I just eat that up with glee.
In recent ventures, Ted bought a Turkey Deep Frying Kit on the weekend, and guess what we made Sunday night? Imagine cooking a 10lb bird in 35 minutes. And that was actually over-cooking it judging by the results, but I wanted to make sure it was given just a little bit of extra time since I was dubious at the thought of us actually doing it right in our first attempt. I suppose the verdict is still out on whether we succeeded or not since the balcony is still currently a no dog-zone and we've yet to clean up the turkey oil spill we made. The bird tasted good though. I honestly think we could eat turkey all the time. That's our second bird in a month. And we'll undoubtedly be making another one at Christmas.
Anyhoo, I should get back to the tedium that is my day's work.
Song of the day is by Seal. If you haven't seen this video, I recommend you Google it and watch. It's beautiful. As is the song itself. "Love's Divine"
Then the rainstorm came, over me
And I felt my spirit break
I had lost all of my, belief you see
And realized my mistake
But time through a prayer, to me
And all around me became still
I need love, love's divine
Please forgive me now I see that I've been blind
Give me love, love is what I need to help me know my name
Through the rainstorm came sanctuary
And I felt my spirit fly
I had found all of my reality
I realize what it takes
'Cause I need love, love's divine
Please forgive me now I see that I've been blind
Give me love, love is what I need to help me know my name
Oh I, don't bend (don't bend), don't break (don't break)
Show me how to live and promise me you won't forsake
'Cause love can help me know my name
Well I tried to say there's nothing wrong
But inside I felt me lying all along
But the message here was plain to see
Believe me
'Cause I need love, love's divine
Please forgive me now I see that I've been blind
Give me love, love is what I need to help me know my name
Oh I, don't bend (don't bend), don't break (don't break)
Show me how to live and promise me you won't forsake
'Cause love can help me know my name
Love can help me know my name.
Deep fried turkey? You're my new hero! Plus, I'm glad you didn't have any fires as a result of the oil spill.
I'm glad that the boys are getting along so well. It's why we got Shelley; so Mong would have a playmate, and it worked perfectly.
Yeah, the moment the oil started bubbling over I shut off the gas. It's kind of a scary, medieval-type process complete with big vat of boiling oil. I felt positively American. hee
Incidentally, I really enjoyed the whole "Halo" story Bo. All cats should be so lucky to have a loving mom like you. It made me happy/sad simultaneously.
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