Quite obviously I'm running low on free time at work. Which is... I suppose the detriment doing all my blogging "from" work... it has to take priority. I wish it were "fun" work, instead of the steady stream of tedium I'm forced to deal with. But anyhow... enough about work.
On Sunday... we went to Woofstock. And the boys loved it. So without further adieu, I give you more doggie pictures. They are the loves of my life after all.

They do know what "car ride" means. But there's no real way to teach them the meaning of "big doggie orgy". Which is just as well, because they're usually wound-up enough about the car ride as it is.

Here's Porthos on my lap in the back seat. I've been banished to the back of the car to play chaperone to his delicate state of balance and motion. Meaning if we leave him back there with Cole or just by himself, he pukes from one end of the seat to the other. Whereas, if I'm holding him, he's as happy as a clam and doesn't barf. We're actually in motion; headed up Kipling to the Gardiner. The little pink, horrified creature beside Porthos is "Shmirla"... she has a matching blue doppleganger on the driver's side named "Mirla". They're little stuffed slugs that came with our DVD copy of "Flushed Away", we named them after Charla and Mirna from the Amazing Race.

Nobody enjoys a car ride more than sweet Cole. Here he is, moving as fast as he does in his dreams of espionage "Cole Shannon-Kozlow: Squirrel Assassin".
Porthos on my lap. ->

<- Cole on Ted's...
And now with the magic of blogging time-lapse (a potent mix of co-worker and client interruptions) it's time for me to go home. But I'll get to actually talking about some of the fun stuff at Woofstock tomorrow. Wow... a "to be continued"... how exciting. Or not.
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