Doggie politics are quite the mystery to me in spite of owning dogs my whole life. It's a precarious balance trying to instill acceptable behaviour. Cole must be taught he is an elder, but also an "equal" one-of-two, and Porthos must somehow get it that Cole is top-dog until such time as they're no longer vying for supremacy. Sometimes I wish they could talk. But then I soon thereafter surmise that that wouldn't be a good thing at all. I'd be getting "sassed" all the time donchaknow.
In other news, the final module of my $#%&@# course is upon me, and it's all about success stories, of which I have none that I can recall. How sad is that huh? Ahh well, I've just got to use plan B. Or rather: plan "BS". Want me to be a certified Creative Writer huh? Well, I'm a gonna get REAL creative on this assignment. Fictional even. Truly, I just want it to be over. I did really poorly on module 6 (by my standards) 77% and I blame it on fatigue and lack of motivation. I did not want to take this course, therefore I do not care as much as I probably should.
It has however resulted in a lot of brainstorming with a friend, whom I'm actually considering for a business partner in a freelance venture. We're both talented, there's no reason why we couldn't be making a shit-load of money from writing and voice-work. The fact that we both write and voice well, bodes well. The fact that neither of us knows a damned thing about starting a business does not. Ah but at least I'm aspiring to something. More than I could say a few months ago.
Ted and Tammy are doing a 2-week "Lean Out" diet thing. No carbs; no processed sugars for 14 days. I opted out of the plan, for any number of reasons: I can't seem to plan my lunches very well. I don't have the will-power to get on any sort of exercise regime right now (which it requires or else what's the point?). And Porthos P. Puppy makes me crave comfort foods when the only alternative is pulling out my hair when he's a bad dog, which is most of the time. Incidentally, Tammy has taken to calling him "Pee-thos" which I'd likely find incredibly funny if it didn't make me want to give him up for adoption. (which we'd never do in a million years)
To further the topic of the 2-week "Lean Out"... The subsequent void left in Ted's life by the nectar of the Gods he must abstain from, (Dr Pepper) has left him quite irritable. Be it the lack of caffeine, be it the absence of sugar - my Teddy was in a BAAAAAAD mood last night. I suspect, that's the reason why I was chastised for buying the wrong version of Superman Returns on DVD yesterday. I bought the movie-only version which I honestly, HONESTLY thought would include at least SOME special features, namely the 11 deleted scenes included on the 2-disc special edition. Alas, I should have spent the extra 10-dollars. Stupid, greedy studios.
Loved "Superman Returns" though. It was truly an escapist film. Lots of action, larger than life characters and what I thought was a pretty compelling plot, if not entirely original. The movie's caught a lot of flack for making Superman into a messiah figure (which he would be if he really did exist if you think about it) and the implausibility of Lex Luthor's evil plan (c'mon he's a super villain; if he's not preposterous what's the point??). But really folks... it's a comic book movie. If you can't just sit back, suspend disbelief and enjoy the romance and heroism and things going "boom", then what are you there for???
Anyhow... loved it. Totally recommend it. And additionally, let it go on record that I bet Brandon Routh smells really good.

Song of the day is for my Ted. One of his current favourites. "All I Can Do" by Chantal Kreviazuk.
When you're on your own
When you're at a fork in the road
You don't know which way to go
There's too many signs and arrows.
You haven't laughed in a while
When you can't even fake a smile
When you feel ashamed
The uniform don't make you brave
All I can do is love you to pieces
Give you a shoulder to cry when you need it
When the day is long and the night is coming down on you
All I can do
All I can do
All I can do
When you forget your name
and the pleasure can't disguise your pain
and you don't feel the same
I won't forget the love you made
All I can do is love you to pieces
Give you a shoulder to cry when you need it
When the day is long and the night is coming down on you
All I can do
All I can do
All I can do
What a lovely day to shape your dreams
And you don't even have to sleep
You can make it what you want to be
You can fly away
You can change your name
You can have a happy face
It can be so real ohhhhhh
All I can do is love you to pieces
Give you a shoulder to cry when you need it
When the day is long and the night is coming down on you
All I can do
All I can do
All I can do
Is all that I can do
I only found Superman Returns alright. I just had that "Really? You really had to try and tuck all of that into the first Superman movie in twenty years?" feeling. There was a time when I was a regular Supercomic reader, too, and I thought they strayed a little far from the source material. When I left the folks in Metropolis, Lois and Clark were married, for goodness' sake.
I think Bryan Singer had big shoes to fill with SR, and he probably would have caught a lot of flack for NOT including as much back-story as he did, considering how long Superman has been away from the big screen. But I was skeptical of the movie when I saw the trailers initially and saw the whole "comet in a cornfield" thing being done, yet again. So I think I know where you're comin' from.
I've never read any of the comics so I can't really justify Superman Returns in terms of overall continuity. But it seems everybody does their own "take" in each incarnation (ie: Lois & Clark, Smallville) so I guess I'm just one of the lucky, uninformed people who didn't have a lot to compare it to. Ignorance, bliss, n' all that.
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